Learn how to drive growth with your cloud provider.
The Cloud is Changing Sales.
Cloud computing drove a generational change in how software was developed & deployed. Cloud Marketplaces are fundamentally changing the way businesses approach purchasing.
Projected cloud spend in 2023¹
Projected cloud spend in 2023¹
Cloud marketplace transaction compound annual growth rate²
Expected cloud marketplace transactions by 2025²
Companies that lean into co-selling with their cloud partners generate more sales pipeline, close more deals, and at a higher win rate than their competition.
That’s Cloud Sales.
With support from cloud partners and data and research from industry analysts, WorkSpan and Partnership Leaders have prepared everything you need to be Cloud Sales Ready.
Close your deals with
pre-committed cloud budget

AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud have all created marketplaces to extend the benefits of cloud transactability to their partner ecosystems. All of these marketplaces share functionality that’s disrupting how software is sold:

• Frictionless transactions for just about any software contract
Sophisticated provisioning and orchestration of fulfillment processes
Pre-committed spend agreements based on forecasted cloud usage

More and more, cloud consumers are leveraging their existing cloud contracts to repurpose pre-committed budget, accelerate procurement cycles, and buy software and services through the cloud marketplace.

Unblocking a stalled deal through the cloud Marketplace
We’re on pace to break $45B In marketplace transactions by 2025

Read the full Cloud Sales Ready Primer on Unblocking Deals with Pre-Committed Cloud Spend to learn more and incorporate cloud sales Into your growth plans.

Unblock Deals with
Pre-Committed Cloud Spend
Generate high-converting cloud referral pipeline

The disruptive power of cloud marketplaces isn’t the novel ways to attract new buyers, it’s the frictionless ability to transact. That means succeeding on cloud marketplaces isn’t just about attracting the attention of your buyers. It’s also about attracting the attention of your cloud provider’s sales team.

Co-selling is the most powerful way to drive growth through cloud sales.

Your cloud provider wins when you win. Powerful incentives for salesperson, buyer, and partner make cloud marketplace transactions a win / win proposition. The hard part is getting the attention of the cloud sales team.

Cloud sales programs typically start by creating a marketplace listing, which opens additional avenues to close business but doesn’t typically generate significant incremental deal volume. Adding a co-selling motion lets you share opportunities bidirectionally with your cloud provider- but enabling your field team, constantly identifying referral opportunities in flight, manually syncing records between systems, and piecemeal enabling your cloud partner’s field team is a steep uphill climb.

90% of WorkSpan’s customer’s receive one referral opportunity for every two they share with their cloud provider.

Read the full Cloud Sales Ready Primer on Generating High-Converting Cloud Referral Pipeline  to learn more on how to leverage your cloud provider to grow hyper-efficient referral pipeline.

Generate High Converting
Cloud Referral Pipeline
Add cloud sales to your revenue plan

Building a cloud sales engine can be a dramatic inflection point in a company’s growth for two reasons.

When you get it right, it’s a lower cost way to deliver growth, and it’s a faster way to close deals- it’s a growth accelerant.

Combining faster, lower cost means to grow can deliver dramatic quarter over quarter results.

Companies that have achieved cloud sales readiness are experiencing impressive benefits:

• A 40% acceleration in sales cycle speed.
• A 50% surge in qualified deals.
• A 24% increase in overall win rates for deals.

Furthermore, by harnessing WorkSpan to attain cloud sales readiness, you can significantly reduce the manual effort associated with expanding and scaling cloud partner programs.

Automating many of these manual processes not only saves you time but also empowers you to concentrate on more strategic endeavors with your cloud provider sales teams, fostering relationships and freeing up time to collaboratively co-sell deals.

Read the full Cloud Sales Ready Primer on adding Cloud Sales to your Revenue Plan to learn more on how to tie your cloud sales program to mission-critical business objectives.

Plug your Cloud Partnership
Into your Revenue Plan
Leading Cloud Sales Pioneers

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Unleashing Co-Sell Revenue: Abnormal Security's Triumph with Microsoft

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How ActionIQ Drives AWS Co-Sell Growth with WorkSpan

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